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How Your Donations Help

Every donation makes a real difference to lives in Bhutan


feeds a child
for a whole month

in East Bhutan


for a month



provides a

for a month

provides a 
special needs

for a month



funds the whole

special needs

for a month

Donations mean we can plan ahead and commit to long term projects.

Even if our donation is a small amount, these build up to a big impact over time.

We need £60,000 to run the school in East Bhutan for a year!

Opening Your Heart to Bhutan - Emma Slade Buddhist Nun

Donate via Paypal

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

If you would like to support us on a regular basis then simply tick the box labelled “Make this a monthly donation” – please note that this monthly option is only available if you have a PayPal account.


Donations using this payment method give you the option of donating from a PayPal account, if you have one, or with a debit or credit card.


(A 'Thank You' for your support from some of the students)

Donate via JustGiving

Enables Gift Aid for UK tax payers


Making donations via JustGiving allows the charity to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation at no additional cost to you and is a good option to use if you are a UK tax payer.


Click on the link above and you will be directed to our JustGiving page, where you will have the option to input an amount and to make it a either a one-off or monthly donation.​​​

(New Chairs for the Classrooms)

Opening Your Heart to Bhutan - Emma Slade Buddhist Nun
Opening Your Heart to Bhutan - Emma Slade Buddhist Nun

Bank Transfer or Standing Order

Account name: Opening Your Heart to Bhutan

Account number: 42529968

Sort code: 30-98-97


For international transfers:

IBAN GB67LOYD30989742529968


Your donations can be a one-off or a regular monthly amount

(A Dining Room built so accessible to all)

Opening Your Heart to Bhutan - Emma Slade Buddhist Nun

(A recently added sports area where many activities take place because of a special donation made to the charity)

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